Author Archives: Administrator

Outraged and Unafraid in Texas
10 Aug

#OutragedAndUnafraid in Texas

Charles Holm reports on a sit-in in Austin that organizers are hoping will inspire further resistance to the anti-immigrant agenda, both locally and nationally. IN WHAT organizers called “the first DACA sit-in of the Trump era,” [1] dozens of immigrant rights activists ...

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30 Jun

These Students Are Striking Back Against SB 4 Hate in Texas

These Students Are Striking Back Against SB 4 Hate in Texas By Viri Sanchez and Karla Quiñones [This piece was originally published at on 6/29/17] Four months ago, on February 16, thousands of high school students across Texas joined together in a collective effort to ...

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18 May

Texans Stand United Against SB4

On the last day of Texas’ 85th legislative sessions,  more than 1,000 people took over the State Capitol to protest SB4. Signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, SB4 is the worst “show me your papers” law in the country and one of the most hateful ...

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